Introducing the Affordability / Interest Matrix
Conjurer's Coffee Break - Episode 029
This podcast episode falls below my high standards of audio quality. Apologies!
- Welcome back to another episode of the Conjurer's Coffee Break Podcast, and again this is one of my espresso episodes. A shorter thought, but hopefully one that sparks further consideration from you.
- Today I want to offer a fresh perspective on something we all deal with in our careers - connecting with our audience and clients. I'm going to share what I call the affordability/value matrix, and I believe it's going to change the way you think about engaging with potential clients.
- Start off by imaging a chart, and if this is difficult for you I'll include an image on the notes page that accompanies this episode so check out to find that.
- Alright, down one side, we have "can afford" and "can't afford."
- Along the top, we have "interested" and "not interested."
- If you have a notebook with you, you might like to draw that out.
- That's going to give us four boxes, or rather four distinct types of clients:
- 1. Clients who are interested in what you do and can afford you.
- 2. Clients who are interested in what you do, but can't afford you.
- 3. Clients who are not interested in what you do but can afford you.
- 4. Clients who are not interested in what you do and can't afford you.
- Are you with me so far?
- Now, most of us would agree that that first category of clients are they type we want most often. They like what we do, and they can afford us. They are our ideal clients.
- At and the other end of the spectrum, that final category of clients aren't worth much effort. They don't like us, and neither can they afford us.
- But here's where my theory comes in. I believe that many magicians spend too much time on the three group of clients - those who can afford them but aren't really interested in what they do.
- Maybe it's a financial motivation or the allure of proving our worth. However, in doing so, we run the risk that we might come across as arrogant, trying to convince someone of something they simply don't want.
- Instead, I prefer to focus more on the second group clients, those who might not be able to afford us but are genuinely interested and enthusiastic about what we do. These people can become our fans and advocates. Working with them creatively might mean crafting a custom package, offering a shorter performance, or negotiating an exchange for a review or a referral. In a previous episode, that I'll link to in the notes, I've spoken about not giving discounts, but working with clients to negotiate a good deal that allows everyone to win. That's what I suggest here. It's also possible that the client may be able to afford your full rate at a later time.
- Of course, there's a balance. If you want to earn £750 per show and they only have £75, then maybe the gap is too big to bridge.
- However, I believe this customer first approach not only offers great service but also aligns with who we are. I've heard it said, "you're not your customer," implying that we might sell our services at rates we ourselves wouldn't pay. I can't get behind that. To me, it feels disingenuous. Do you know what I mean? If I went out at a rate I wasn't willing to pay myself, then I think that would come across in my performance.
- Instead, I much prefer the old business saying "eat your own dog food." I believe we should be connecting with people who are like us. Remember people buy from people they like. Remember, people are more interested in people than they are in things. For me, running a magic business isn't about tricks and tactics to try to convince someone to book me, but instead it's about trying to foster genuine relationships. Sometimes, the most rewarding connections come from the most unexpected places. I find that not only easier but more authentic and rewarding.
- I've mentioned this before too, so it's worth going back and listening to a few more of my episodes, but it's about going with the flow of things. Trying to resist, and fight against something someone doesn't want, does not feel like the right way to do things.
- I've got a further thought coming up on that next week. Another saying that doesn't ring true with me, and what my alternative is. I hope you'll join me then. Until then, thanks for listening.
- To wrap up, remember, people buy from people they like. So focus on those who align with your passion and values, even if they might not be the obvious financial choice.
- Thanks for tuning in, and as always, keep the magic alive!
Additional Show Notes
- Here's the image:
Related podcasts
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- Episode 015 - Pricing for Magicians, part 2
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- Episode 021 - Getting Out of Your Own Way
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